As an experienced chiropractor, Dr. Behar is skilled in treating sport injuries. Many patients usually visit us for chronic muscle pain and inflammation. This is true for patients who suffer from headaches, carpal tunnel, neck pain, arthritis, shoulder pain, rotator cuff injuries, and sprains. One very effective treatment for these conditions is a spider kinesio taping. What is Spider Kinesio Taping? The spider kinesio taping treatment is based off of the body’s own natural healing ability. This kinesio taping is most effective by the activation of the neurological and circulatory systems. Since muscles not only attribute to the movement of the body but also to the circulation of the body, a failure in the muscles could result in many areas of your body to not function properly. Since so much attention was given to the improvement of muscles, it was logical to start using the muscles itself as its own healing process for the body. Using an elastic tape, it was found that muscles can be healed by using outside assistance provided by this tape. Dr. Behar have found that using the kinesio taping creates a totally new way of treating nerves, muscles, and organs. Spider kinesio taping is accepted by medical experts across Japan, United States, Europe, South America, and other Asian countries. Many Olympic athletes also use this technique for pain reduction and to enhance their performance. What are the benefits of spider kinesio taping? Reduces fatigue and stiffness in overused muscles Why is Kinesio taping superior to conventional athletic tape? Normal athletic tape is made to restrict the movement of muscles and joints. Because of this, multiple layers of athletic tape have to be rolled around the area. This can put a lot of pressure, stop circulation, and obstruct the flow of fluids on your body. With Kinesio taping, it is based off a different philosophy that aims to free the movement and no restrict the muscles and body in order for the body to heal itself. At Pines Family, we’ve found other benefits of kinesio tape: Spider kinesio taping is just one method we use here at Pines Family Chiropractic Center to help alleviate pain and keep our patients healthy. Contact Dr. Behar for more information on spider kinesio taping and to find which chiropractic treatment is right for you.