Who we are

Is Pain Ruining Your Life?

Pines Family Chiropractic Center Can Help Eliminate Pain

If pain from muscles, joints, back, neck, shoulders, and another areas of our body interefere with your quality of life, Pines Family can help you! Your chiropractor in Pembroke Pines, Dr. Behar will help find the source of the trouble and help alleviate pain so you can get back to doing what you need to.

Pines Family Chiropractic Center also corrects spinal alignment and it's function to restore the body's natural ability to heal itself. Dr. Behar can also help instruct you on how to set up a program that is best suited for you.

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Why Choose Us

Contrary to popular belief, chiropractors are considered doctors as well. Licensed in every state as a health care provider, we have a doctorate in chiropractic medicine to help you alleviate your pain.

Dr. Behar is a certified and trained back & neck doctor in Pembroke Pines that can help alleviate any discomforts you might have. Once your body is adjusted, your body can regain it's ability to heal itself leaving you feeling rejuvenated and well balanced.

Our Services

Chiropractic Adjustments

Massage Therapy

Laser Therapy


Chiropractic and
Wellness Go Hand
In Hand

Standard treatments for symptoms usually consist of drugs, medications, or even surgery. Our Pembroke Pines chiropractic treatments are non-invasive and help return the body to a state of balance and wellness. Though we may sometime use diagnostic tools such as X-Rays to find the source of your pain, we will always use the best and most effective non-invasive treatments to help alleviate your discomfort.
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(954) 435-4380